Inside-Original sofas
You can find different options from Inside sofa collection from single-seat armchairs to large corner sofas. You can choose Inside sofa with a divan or armrests. With the help of footstool, you can build a real oasis of relaxation.
Inside-Lazy malliston suurempi istumasyvyys houkuttelee rentoon oleiluun.
The detachable and movable pillow of the Inside collection provides good neck support even for a taller person.
The frames of Inside sofas and armchairs are made up of solid wood and birch plywood. Inside sofas withstand hard use and can be reupholstered from generation to generation.
Inside-Original (ns. normaali istuinsyvyys) 79cm syvyys / 43cm istuinkorkeus / 75cm kokonaiskorkeus
Leveys: 147cm sohva-2 / 200cm sohva-3 / 253cm sohva-4 / 305cm sohva-5
Inside rahi: 53*53cm / 79*79cm / 95*95cm / 138*138cm / 53*79cm
Valittavana myös 2 eri jalan korkeutta (4cm ja 8cm)
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